Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3 Idiots

3 Idiots is another best film that I watched recentlyand it is a 2009 Bollywood comedy film. It becomes the highest-grossing film in India and it is definitely one my favourites right now.
However, Slumdog Millionaire is still in my favourites list and it is a British film.
Somehow I find that the main actor looks a bit like Danny Wu wheremy friends claimed that he looks more like Mr Bean. *laughing*
You should really watch it if you haven't my friends. It is not only a comedy but I find some of the scenes exciting and touching. It is wonderful with the songs even it's very Hindi but what I can say is " I like it very much!!"
Ooh. Lastly, one advice: Don't ask about the story of it ot google it before you watch. Just watch it! That's why I'm not telling you all here!! oh yaa...don't worry if you can;t understand their languagu cos it definitely has English subtitle with it and sometimes they speak English too!!
Have a nice day ahead~

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