Friday, March 13, 2009


Short semester really a short one...Everything comes in fast speed!..There will be an "E-test" which means the exam is conducted by using computer next week and presentation on week 4, Bm lanjutan!..."alamak"....Besides, this semester benefits too cos I exercise more as I've got lots of free time. etc, what i did yesterday>>Jogging, badminton and swimming<<<....I went to swim last night alone. It was great to swim in an Olympic-sized swimming pool!...I must get a swimming suit cos it was very shameful happened last night cos I, only one, actually didn't wear proper suit plus swim incorrectly..."should I enrol myself to a swimming club??"....I still remember grandpa was the one who teaches me to swim when I was very young..--.--!..

Lily said Dad didn't sleep last night cos he has got 6 reports/projects to be done!...She knew when she saw him wearing the exactly the same clothes to work yesterday...WoW! He works hard for the family...I think that's why I am here in TARC!!....yes, I will study hard too...and Smart!!....of course this is not by ourselves but HIM, King of Majesty!! HE's the only way to the eternal life...^^