What's happening this week??
WEEK 11 goes really hectic...
* Mid term test for
^^Building Constructions 2
^^Building materials
^^Building Services
^^Technical drawing
++ English presentation- We're doing an "Oprah Winfrey" talkshow!!..I'm playing as a patient
who has been released from the rehabilitation centre!!...An drug addict! namely "Amanda"
" All the best to me"....hehe
I've got 85% for Building Construction 2 yesterday!
You know, I'm satisfied with it eventhough one of my frienf got 100%!
For me, cos I scored around 55%?? last semester, I mean the Mid term test..
" I think I watched too much last semester that's why...I got
I know it's a bit too late but....I still have to post it! "Face it Kim"
Mathematics A
Building Construction 1 B
Hubungan Etnik B
English B-- I thk i know why..my comprehension!...I don't feel like doing it
for the last part which is compre cos I thought i was doing
good for my essay!! Alright, let bygones be bygones..improve
Measurements 1 C- I'm so thankful that i can pass this sunject!! This is my very first
time I didn't finshed most of the questions during the exam!! I was running
out of time and I learnt a lesson. WRITE as FAST as I could and don;t waste
my time on those stupid 3D diagrams!
"whenever there's 1 behind the subject it indicated 2 the next time!!!.....AHHHHHHHH...
At least i've got B for the final. Let's talk about last semster, I was still searching for my friends, who to be with, grouping for the assginments, drawing PLANS on roof?buildings? which is totally new to me and i have to adapt to it. This is wht I've chosen!
This semester there are new subjects such as building materials , building servcies and!!! Technical drawing.. oh ya!..How could I forget this! AUTO CADD!
Those two are not important anyway..."kidding" wht I wanted to show you was the "class" and those computers there but it's still part of it...whtever...some sort of this i know you can imagine it...^^
I actually havemore photos on Technical drawing which still in my phone..

Mine!! The table is " this" big!
Those drawings really screwed me up.I'm left behind..and I'm having the test on Thurs! This is 100% coursework which means IF unfortunately I failed the test this Thurs! I have to REPEAT it instead of RESIT..

It was taken last semester somewhere in the hostel. i have no idea what is this for but i just took it down cos I knew I need it one day! Great! It comes true..
" Dear God, I'm having mid term test for building material and tech drawing this thurs, please guide me through ." amen